Saturday, December 17, 2011

Google Siri Competitor of the Day: Google’s secret project lab, Google X


“Google Siri Competitor of the Day: Google’s secret project lab, Google X, is reportedly close to releasing an Android competitor to Apple’s Siri personal assistant, and the project has a geektastic codename: Majel.

It’s named for Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, wife of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and (more relevant to the Siri situation) the voice of the Enterprise’s computer.

Majel is based on Google’s existing Voice Actions for Android phones, combined with Siri-like natural language processing. That means users won’t be locked into using specific language to issue a command, as they currently are with Voice Actions.

The app’s computerized voice will probably get a boost from a fairly recent Google acquisition, speech technology firm Phonetic Arts, which was picked up in late 2010.

The initial release of Majel, which could be out before the end of the year, might only replicate one major function of Siri: Google searches.

The real question, though, is whether we can activate it by saying “Computer.”

